
Famous People with Prosthetics: Part 1

Amputees often enter a stage of grief after having lost a limb. This is completely normal and can be overcome with support and time! Something to keep in mind is that many people who were born without limbs, or who became amputees, have gone on to inspire others and change lives. Life is all about choices, and we get to decide what kind of attitude we’re going to have, no matter what life throws at us.

Celebrities with Prosthetics

Aimee Mullins

Born with fibular hemimelia a rare congenital birth defect where the patient is born without a fibula (shin bone), thus amputation being necessary below the knee. Mullins didn’t let this stop her, though. Coming from humble beginnings, she is now an inspirational speaker, a model and an athlete who has set world records. Proof that with the right mindset, you can accomplish anything.

Rick Allen, the famous drummer from Def Leppard, lost his arm in a terrible car accident where he lost control of his vehicle. Although he considered giving up, Allen learned to play drums using only his right arm, and his feet. The band continues to perform live shows, where he even dazzles the crowd with extreme drum solos. A limb loss doesn’t need to stop you from doing what you love!

At Deist and Associates, we pride ourselves on assisting all cases that require orthotics and prosthetics. Contact us for more information, advice and consultations.