If you have had an amputation or are facing amputation please read the content provided to prepare you for the next steps.

Staying by your side
At Deist & Associates we are passionate about staying by the patient’s side through the entire process: from amputation through to being fit with your permanent prosthetic.
It is very important for a new amputee to get moving as soon as possible after an amputation. Trans-tibial amputees (leg amputations below the knee) are fitted with an Post-Op Liners for the first six weeks after the operation.
Post-Op Liners
This temporary prosthesis consists of a universally sized adjustable outer shell lined with a number of inflatable air cells, which enable the Post-Op Liners to accommodate a wide range of sizes throughout the process of rehabilitation. These help with the circulation and control any swelling, encouraging healing.
Post-Op Liners is centred and adjusted with its buckles and air cells, ensuring a balanced position above the pylon. When the patient is lying down or seated, the limb should be extended at the knee or elevated with a pillow placed beneath the prosthetic foot or distal socket.
After six weeks of using the Post-Op Liners, we start fitting you with your first prosthesis proper. It will be snug and comfortable for six to twelve months. After this time you will notice that the stump has shrunk, and so the socked part of your prosthesis will have to be replaced with a new snug fitting one.

This temporary prosthesis consists of a universally sized adjustable outer shell lined with a number of inflatable air cells, which enable the Post-Op Liners to accommodate a wide range of sizes throughout the process of rehabilitation. These help with the circulation and control any swelling, encouraging healing.
Post-Op Liners is centred and adjusted with its buckles and air cells, ensuring a balanced position above the pylon. When the patient is lying down or seated, the limb should be extended at the knee or elevated with a pillow placed beneath the prosthetic foot or distal socket.
After six weeks of using the Post-Op Liners, we start fitting you with your first prosthesis proper. It will be snug and comfortable for six to twelve months. After this time you will notice that the stump has shrunk, and so the socked part of your prosthesis will have to be replaced with a new snug fitting one.

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