On the 24th of October, 2019 Jaco Deist’s patient, Callan Erasmus and his family are setting off to Scotland where Callan will continue his prosthetic journey. Callan and his family are elated and extremely excited to be a part of his journey to Scotland where they will fit him with a bionic hand and teach him to use the technology effectively.
Jaco Deist will meet him in Edinburgh on Sunday the 27th of October, 2019 to oversee the process as he did with a previous partial-hand amputation patient, Bridgette Mokoena. On Monday, the 28th of October Jaco and Callan will meet with Össur professionals Ellaine and Michael to fit the test socket in the morning. Once testing is completed we will be able to determine the position of the sensors which send the signals that control the bionic hand.
By the end of Monday, Callan’s new bionic hand will be temporarily put together for him to practice controlling the hand.
Watch this space for photos and news of Callan’s journey to Scotland with Jaco Deist. Contact us for more information and visit our Success Stories for more feel good news!